Plugin Tag: featured
Featured Posts Grid
(10 total ratings)A javascript based display of post titles and thumbnails in a grid layout.
Featured Item Metabox
(2 total ratings)Quickly add a metabox to any post type for marking a post as featured. Toggle featured status even more quickly from the posts lists/ quick edit scre …
Select Featured Posts
(0 total ratings)A plugin which allows you to select/unselect posts and updates the same using Ajax.
Auto Save Remote Image
(4 total ratings)This plugin automatically downloads the first remote image from a post and sets it as the featured image.
Featured Podcast Widget
(2 total ratings)A widget that enables you to display your latest podcast from a category or featured podcast utilising the PowerPress plugin's default player.
Posts Slideshow Widget
(5 total ratings)This plugin enables you to have a side bar widget with slider (slideshow) of featured images from posts from a selected category.
Genesis Featured Grid
(1 total ratings)Genesis Featured Grid adds a Genesis Featured Grid widget with grid layout functionality
(1 total ratings)Clients provide you an easiest way to add and retrieve clients. Various UI styling to choose to display your client list is the add on you were lookin …
Tidyhive Featured Posts
(0 total ratings)Set featured posts with single click, no page refresh from admin panel.
Coin Slider 4 WordPress
(1 total ratings)Coin Slider 4 WP is Wordpress plugin for creating image gallery with unique transition effects of featured posts. You can choose between three types o …
JSM Inherit Parent Featured Image
(3 total ratings)Inherit the featured image from the Post, Page, or Custom Post Type parent, grand-parent, great-grand-parent, etc.
Get First Image Set As Featured Image
(9 total ratings)After installed this plugin automatically retrieve the first image from content and its set as featured image.
3D Slider Slice Box
(11 total ratings)3D Slider Slice Box is responsive 3d slider which enables you to create 3d slider without the use of flash.
Images to Posts
(1 total ratings)Bulk upload images to automatically create posts / custom posts with featured images. Updated from mezzaninegold's version
SM Sticky Featured Widget
(8 total ratings)A tiny but high in demand widget to post sticky or "featured" posts into any widget area. We would appriciate any assistance you would like …
Theme Blvd Featured Videos
(0 total ratings)When using a theme with Theme Blvd framework version 2.0.5+, this plugin is will allow you to replace featured images with videos.
Really Simple Featured Audio – Featured audio support for Posts, Pages & WooCommerce Products
(0 total ratings)Really Simple Featured Audio enables featured audio support for WordPress posts, pages, CPTs (with featured images) & WooCommerce Products.
Genesis Taxonomy Images
(2 total ratings)Create and manage taxonomy images for themes using the Genesis framework. Based on "Genesis Taxonomy Images" plugin Copyright 2013 Ade Walk …
Auto Save Remote Images (Drafts)
(1 total ratings)WordPress plugin for downloading automatically first remote image from a post and setting it as a featured image (when is saved as a draft or updated)
Video Destacado
(5 total ratings)Insert a video posted to Youtube for posts, pages and custom post types