Plugin Tag: checkout
Fetch Danish checkout data
(0 total ratings)Let users fetch their information on the Woocommerce checkout by entering their Danish phone number, VAT number or P-number
Check With Persona Verified
(2 total ratings)Execute the persona verification for Wordpress(Now only on WooCommerce orders checkout). In the future will embed this verification to the other part.
Payment Gateway Remise for WooCommerce
(0 total ratings)This plugin adds the functionality to take Remise payments on your store of WooCommerce.
Lipad Checkout
(0 total ratings)Lipad Checkout integrates seamlessly with WooCommerce, offering a frictionless payment experience via Lipad's intuitive checkout interface.
Custom Checkout Note Title
(0 total ratings)Custom Checkout Note Title allows you to easily change the title and placeholder text of the Additional Note field on the WooCommerce checkout page.